

I use Ubuntu as my primary OS, specifically the Kubuntu flavor. I also use it over Mac OS and Windows.

Well, now it is 50/50 Kubuntu and elementary OS. Oh, elementary OS isn't really part of the Ubuntu family, but it is based off Ubuntu.

Apt Stuff

The apt command is tool that manages packages (software programs) in Debian and Ubuntu.  I don't have a Debian section, so here it lands.  Below are some tips, tricks and other forget-me-nots.  Oh, this includes apt-get commands and don't forget most of the commands need sudo before them.

Boot Stuff

menuentry 'Windows 11' {

    search --fs-uuid --no-floppy --set=root <UUID>

    chainloader (${root})/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi


DKMS Modules


Kubuntu is very different from many other flavors.  I switched my Kubuntu machine to elementary OS and noticed that I no longer had "print to pdf".  The follow command added it:

If you have an older Ubuntu flavor, try:
