Babe The Blue Ox


One of the things that are usual to my tastes are artists that "march to their own drummer".   I have my preferred genres, but those are many and I don't always like all of what's in a genre. A uniqueness is often as key as living the music, not just performing it.  Built into both of those ideas is having your own vision that is displayed uncompromisingly.  

These folks, without a doubt, do exactly that.  They are funky without being funk.  They rock while not coming near "stadium rock".  Sometimes they are beautiful without writing "pretty" songs.  If I had to put them in a genre I'd choose alternative.   I remember seeing them when I lived in Baltimore, though they're from NYC.  And I was just blown away from the groove, the ebb and flow, the ride they took me on.

Like any band, they go through phases.  They just released a new album called What About Today? in 2024.  They aren't breaking new ground, but they sound like they are having fun writing/playing.  If you want to listen to everything prior to 2017, go through the O​.​X. Set - For Paul album.  Here are some links to favorite tracks: